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发布日期:2024-08-16 11:13    点击次数:101



As the popularity of esports continues to grow, so does the level of competition. In the world of competitive gaming, League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular and widely played games. To be a successful LoL professional player, extensive training is required. In this article, we will discuss how esports professionals train in LoL.

Game Knowledge

To be successful in LoL, players must have a fundamental understanding of the game's mechanics, such as champion abilities, item builds, and team compositions. Esports professionals spend a considerable amount of time studying the game and analyzing the meta. They research and test new champions, builds, and strategies to stay ahead of the competition. Understanding the game is the foundation of any training program, and it requires a lot of time and effort.

Gameplay Mechanics

Esports professionals spend countless hours perfecting their gameplay mechanics. These include things like last hitting, map awareness, and trading damage with enemy champions. Players must be quick on their feet and think strategically. They must also master communication with their team to coordinate strategies and anticipate enemy movements. Training programs focus on developing muscle memory and improving response times to make sure players can execute their strategies flawlessly.

Position Training

LoL has five different positions that players can specialize in, and each requires its unique set of skills. Esports professionals will specialize in one or two positions and focus their training on that role. For example, a player who specializes in the bottom lane (AD Carry) will spend a lot of time practicing last hitting, trading damage with the enemy, and positioning themselves during team fights. A player who specializes in the top lane (Top Lane) will focus on wave manipulation, map awareness, and splitpushing. Position training is essential for players to excel in their roles and make the most of their potential.

Team Coordination

No LoL player wins alone. The success of a team hinges on how well each player can coordinate and work together. Esports professionals spend a lot of time practicing with their team to develop communication and coordination. They analyze matches to identify weaknesses and opportunities to improve their game. Team coordination training aims to build trust and teamwork among players so that everyone can work together to achieve team objectives.

Physical Training

Esports professionals must be prepared physically to compete at the highest level. Many teams have coaches who design physical training programs to ensure players are healthy and fit. Physical training programs might include exercises like cardiovascular workouts, strength conditioning, and hand-eye coordination exercises. These exercises help with things like stamina, reaction time, and fatigue management. Physical training is just as important as mental training when it comes to esports performance.


Training in LoL requires a combination of game knowledge, gameplay mechanics, position training, team coordination, and physical training. Esports professionals dedicate themselves to their craft and spend countless hours perfecting their skills. This dedication allows them to compete at the highest levels of the game and stay ahead of the competition. To be successful in LoL, aspiring professional players must be willing to put in the time and effort required to excel in every aspect of the game.
